A big congratulations on the great results from yesterday's science Exam!!! There are still two students who need to write the test, but so far the results are outstanding!
In my class, the bathroom and drink break policy is that they each have a bathroom pass with two stickers. If they need to go for some emergency, they can use one of the stickers. Otherwise, if they do not use them, each sticker is worth 2.5% on the end of unit exam. This helps teach the students how to judge an emergency, and the importance of being in class so as not to miss important learning.
In this first unit, not one single student used any of their bathroom passes! This means that they all received an extra 5% on their test scores. A couple students chose to save their 5% to carry forward for use on a more difficult unit. With that said, here are the preliminary results:
The class average was 90% with 7 students scoring 98% or above! About half of the students received a 4 (report cards). Even without the added 5%, these results are phenomenal! Good work grade sevens! And a big thank you to everyone who helped them prepare for the exam!
Our next unit will be Geology. We will take a look at plate tectonics, volcanos, earthquakes, rocks and minerals, fossils, soil makeup, etc. The unit will be made up of a partner research project/presentation, and a final unit exam. It should come to a close near or shortly after Christmas.