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Thursday, 13 November 2014

Gr 2/3 Science Posters

Good work by our gr 2/3s on these science posters depicting animal life-cycles. You can come see them outside my classroom, next to the kindergarten room.

This wraps up our Plants and Animals unit. Next up: Solids and Liquids! Get ready for some fun hands-on experiments... Solubility with hot chocolate, physical properties with cornstarch gloop, chemical change with exploding Coke, and methods of physical separation with purifying playground snow. We will also be exploring buoyancy with a mini build-a-boat challenge! 

Any parents who would save styrofoam meat trays or egg cartons would be highly appreciated!!

Gr 7 Exam Results

A big congratulations on the great results from yesterday's science Exam!!! There are still two students who need to write the test, but so far the results are outstanding! 

In my class, the bathroom and drink break policy is that they each have a bathroom pass with two stickers. If they need to go for some emergency, they can use one of the stickers. Otherwise, if they do not use them, each sticker is worth 2.5% on the end of unit exam. This helps teach the students how to judge an emergency, and the importance of being in class so as not to miss important learning. 

In this first unit, not one single student used any of their bathroom passes! This means that they all received an extra 5% on their test scores. A couple students chose to save their 5% to carry forward for use on a more difficult unit. With that said, here are the preliminary results: 

The class average was 90% with 7 students scoring 98% or above! About half of the students received a 4 (report cards). Even without the added 5%, these results are phenomenal! Good work grade sevens! And a big thank you to everyone who helped them prepare for the exam! 

Our next unit will be Geology. We will take a look at plate tectonics, volcanos, earthquakes, rocks and minerals, fossils, soil makeup, etc. The unit will be made up of a partner research project/presentation, and a final unit exam. It should come to a close near or shortly after Christmas. 

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Gr 7 Wreaths

Next Monday we will begin work on our Recycled Wreaths for the Festival of Trees. Remember to be forming a plan and collecting your materials. Most of your materials will need to come from home, and all need to be recycled materials. See you tomorrow for the Science Exam! 

Monday, 10 November 2014

Gr 1 art

Check out these Scarabs drawn by the grade ones! They followed a step by step demo and did a great job on this art history project! 

Gr 7 test tomorrow

Reminder that the grade 7 science Unit Exam is tomorrow. 

Also, congrats on the great work in art! So many of the projects turned out great! I submitted the following for the art gallery: 

Mya and Abbey
Taylor and Marissa
Hunter and Kaleb

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Gr 1

This week the gr 1s learned about Remembrance Day in Social Studies. We discussed conflict and how it can lead to war. We took a look at the impact of war in terms of human and environmental casualties. The importance and original of wearing poppies was discussed. Take a look at the poppies your children made:

In Art, we are learning a little bit about ancient Egypt. We listened to some music from Egypt and viewed some ancient art. Then the students followed a step by step lesson on how to draw a scarab. I will post pictures of some of the scarabs next week! 

In PE we have been working on throwing and catching. The students learned a new game called Bench Ball that we also play in gr 2/3. They had a great time!

Mrs. Redpath 

Gr 7

Reminder to the gr 7s that your science Unit Exam is next Wednesday. We corrected the review in class today. That is what you should be studying. Read it over and then have someone quiz you. Remember, the test is all short answer. That means no multiple choice, true and false, matching etc. You need to know your stuff!

Also a reminder to start collecting recycled materials for your wreaths. We will begin work on them in two weeks. Have a restful long weekend! 

Mrs. Redpath